Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.

Offworld is producing a
10-part docuseries called UNSTOPPABLE

with an unbiased
of the
state of our place in the world today
in taking part?

What's really happening to global fish stocks?
Is new technology being kept from us?

Is new technology controlling us?

Which barriers remain unassailable in race and gender issues?

What does religion say about today's goings on?

What will our kids have to know to prevail in the future?
And so much more ...

... and what we can do to make it better.
We are seeking trusted opinion from specialists and activists in the following disciplines. If you'd like to participate, we will give you the relevant link to your specific questions.

Womens Rights




Technology and Hacking


The Environment

The Economy

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals





The Military
And due to the fact that Kids are specialists at... er... being kids, we want to
hear from them too.


1. What's the Series all about?
What's the Series all about?
In a nutshell, the series shows the world as it s now and attempts to teach us and our children how to overcome the problems that they will face in the future by doing something now. It presents the problem and suggests solutions.
Questions are fairly basic (especially to an expert), so they can fit into the program content.
Questions are designed to simply elicit facts from our specialists.
Has CO2 in the atmosphere increased since the Industrial Revolution?
What does the Bible say about Jesus's teachings?

What will you be asked at Interview?

1. What's the Series all about?
What happens next?
As a production company, seeking to produce a high-quality documentary series, we have looked at various ways of conducting interviews with a multitude of subjects all around the world while staying as contact-free as possible. With that in mind, please see our proposed filming guide.
And, in order to broadcast an interview with you, broadcast regulations require us to have your consent to do so. The following industry-standard form is to enable us to do that. If you are interested in participating in the series, we will ask you to complete and return this form.
Thanks so much for considering a
contribution to Unstoppable.
The series will credit all contributors and will also be compartmentalised into blogs and
videocasts across all platforms.

We feel that Unstoppable will be a vital guide for kids as they go through a life fraught with more challenges than people have ever had before.