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Specialist (Education) 


All interviews will start with the interviewer asking the following:


Your Name

Your Position

Your Credentials with respect to the questions category


How did you happen to create children’s books about the environment?



What is STEM Learning?



What does it mean to add Art, creating STEAM and why is it so important?



What’s the theory behind there being no winners and losers in a child’s formative years?



And what when they get into later life, jobs etc?



Are kids smarter now than in their parents day?



What sort of balance should our kids aim for between being online and in the outside world?



Is learning more about memorising an answer than understanding how you got to that answer?



Are kids reading more than their parents did?



Are chores important and why?



What is a child prodigy?

Suggestion: A child prodigy is defined as a child who, by the age of 10, can perform art, music, math or writing at the level of an expert adult.


And how do they deal with being a superstar at 12 and then normal after that?



So with these specials skills that some kids have and their enhanced moral awareness, could these kids be out next evolutionary step?



Hackers are sometimes seen as being on the autistic spectrum. Given the potential power they have, could they be vital to our evolution as well?



What is a “savant?”

Suggestion: A “savant,” a term applied to a person who is severely developmentally disabled, but who also has some special, highly developed gift.


The skills that savants excel at are generally related to memory. This may include rapid calculation, artistic ability, map making, or musical ability.


Savants generally have a neurological disorder such as autism spectrum disorder or have a brain injury.


Half of savant cases are associated with autism, and these individuals may be known as "autistic savant


What would you say is a better way to teach children about what they face in the future?


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