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Specialist (Energy) 


All interviews will start with the interviewer asking the following:


Your Name

Your Position

Your Credentials with respect to the questions category


So, most of the world’s power still comes from burning carbon. Can new energy sources not bite into that?

Suggestion: Nowhere near enough. Coal stands at 27% while renewables like solar and wind energy are at 4%. But it's growing. Solar and wind farms have dominated new power plant builds in the U.S. in recent years, while fossil fuel plants, particularly coal-fired plants, continue to be retired at record pace. In 2019, wind (9.1GW) and solar (5.3GW) represented 62% of all new generating capacity. The problem is, right now, you can't use wind energy in space and our technology isn't up to snuff for propulsion via solar means. But one day, when we acquire a new energy source, it remains to be seen how the oil and gas industry will react. When the challenge to their market becomes more significant. 


What is the worlds total energy output per annum in mw/h?

Suggestion: 157.5 petawatt hours or 1.575×1017 - thats 10 and 17 zeros after it


And how is the majority of that produced?

Suggestion: Coal and oil


What did Nikola Tesla develop in the field of energy generation?



How might dark matter or dark energy be used?



If there was such a thing as a spacecraft populated by beings from another world, what energy source do you think it would use?



How could that energy source be used here on earth?



The conspiracy of the everlasting lightbulb is pretty well-known. Do you think that power companies are withholding new energy sources from us?



Do you believe/know of any other related technologies that should now be in the public domain?



The atom bomb was developed based on the premise that there is an enormous amount of energy wrapped up in any mass. How big could such bombs get in theory?





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