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Specialist (Military) 


All interviews will start with the interviewer asking the following:


Your Name

Your Position

Your Credentials with respect to the questions category


NOTE: if you feel any of these questions might be a problem to answer within a national security framework, please just "pass" that question.


Military training is tough stuff but how much tougher is Special forces training?



When did the concept of covert or special forces enter the military arena?



With regard to civilian collateral casualties, how accurate is it to say "Everything is fair in war?"



We learn all the time in all disciplines but in the military, what have been the most important learning curves over the last century?



How has new technology changed warfare?



The world has agreed that certain types of warfare (chemical, viral etc) are illegal. What are the legal but lesser known tactics available to a military commander?



How would a modern military commander plan a modern overseas incursion?



Given the negative PR generated by civilian casualties, what strategies can be employed to minimise this?



The threat of the A-Bomb eventually encouraged Japan to surrender in WW2. Now that this is not a real option any more, and assuming diplomacy has failed, what could be considered a decisive war-averting threat in modern times?



So, will there ever be a time where there is zero risk to home forces in war?



Spies and other covert operatives can be considered as "at war" even in apparent peacetime. The cold war was an obvious example but is this still the case and in which arenas?



Do diplomacy and covert military operations work hand in hand? For instance, if diplomatic negotiations fail, are our covert forces already primed to carry our definitive strikes?



What was operation paperclip after WW2?



Why do you think the Nazis developed such advanced technology before and during WW2?



What were some of the Nazi experiments on human genetics and behaviour?



The movies are full of operatives who carry out "hits" for their superiors as a legal and acceptable component of warfare. Wherever these operatives come from, it’s fairly common knowledge that they exist for private (corporate) concerns as well. To what extent does that happen?



Have you heard of the apparent covert military tactic called a "false flag" or "frameup", when someone attacks themselves and blames it on their chosen enemy? Examples are Operation Northwoods (Cuba) and The Bay of Tonkin (Vietnam).



Was the Reichstag fire a false flag to remove communists from parliament and ensure the nazis got their votes?



Are you aware of any other false flag tactics employed in recent times?



How far ahead are the US and allied military capabilities than its foes?



How important has cyber war become in recent years?



Are there military options available that people don't even know exist?



So one of the popular conceptions is that the military recruits kids and hackers from the general population. Is this true?



What do you see as the defacto military engagement of the future? 


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