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Specialist (Psychology) 


All interviews will start with the interviewer asking the following:


Your Name

Your Position

Your Credentials with respect to the questions category


As humans, are we born with some degree of moral code hard-wired into us?



How would you define a narcissistic personality?



Is narcissism genetically hard-wired or does it develop from some kind of trauma in early life?



Are narcissistic character dynamics useful to compete and prevail and become super rich and powerful?

Suggestion: Yes


So what sort of ethical compass do narcissists have? 

Suggestion: Minimal.


And so a good proportion of the people at the top of the control tree, either as individuals or narcissistic groups, will have a ruthless drive and very little ethical awareness?

Suggestion: Yes


Is this why the powers-that-be are happy to sacrifice their own grandchildren to an environmentally bleak future?  Can it be they just don't care?

Suggestion: Insanity due to narcissism - genetic alteration?


I imagine this sort of approach occurs in other species, insofaras they cannot compute the concept of future. A crocodile will kill its offspring if they bother it or its food supply. That doesn't suggest an ideal environment for its children. Might this suggest that some of the people in control might have little more empathy or moral duty to its young than a crocodile?

Suggestion: Yes 


So what are a narcissist's weaknesses? How would people be most advised to overcome their attacks?

Suggestion: Shame them. Uncover


So potentially, uncovering the wrongdoings of a narcissist, and the shame that brings, might negatively affect them?



And how would one deflate a narcissistic group? In the same way?



So how do they generally react under that sort of pressure?



OK, so we'll change track a little....


So people seem not to bother if their privacy is invaded more and more as long as they can keep the comforts of life. Some places even insist they surrender that privacy in order to continue shopping or using a particular resource. Do you think people find it easier to trade freedom for comfort and how would you define that character trait?



If there was something that affected you and everyone you know, and you weren’t being told about it, do humans have a built in need to know?



With the Covid-19 virus, people had to lock themselves away to introspection. Do you think we learned something about how we should live our lives better?


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