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Our Partner Pack offers instructions, guidance and resources for all the fabulous folks that make 8020 happen 



First of all, thank you so much for helping with this initiative.  Our ultimate goal for this project is to produce a book and a film about the locations and people in a literacy affected region, produce our book and then, of course, to be actively teaching people based on these materials. 

So, if you are someone on our list below, we need you.


1. Coordinators

We need local coordinators/volunteers on the ground in affected regions, who are able to:

a.       Locate a region or village where lack of  literacy is a problem. See our Projects Page for a list of our target regions.

b.      Meet some of the people there (probably older folks with lots of stories and kids with lots of hopes) and arrange to interview them with our questions any any questions you feel are relevant. This can be done as individuals and families. Perhaps 10 people/families.

c.       Interview the selected group on film (Smartphone is fine). See our Filming Guide.

There are certain questions we need to be asked. Some for adults and some for the kids. See our Questionnaire


Important Note: Whenever a person is filmed, they will need to sign a release form so that we are able to broadcast their segments. This includes anyone who is on camera, including yourself as presenter. This is vitally important. Without a release, none of the resulting film can be used. See our Release Form.

d.       Upload the film to our servers

We use Wetransfer to receive media (under 50gb). Sometimes this can be a little slow.

If you prefer to use another method, like Google Drive, this is fine too. 


2. Authors 


Now we have the film footage from our location, it's time to write the book. This is primarily a children's book, aged about 5 - 12 years old. So we need authors from the relevant country for three reasons.


a.         To write the book and include some of the kids we interviewed as characters. 

b.         To edit and proofread the book and ensure the material is fit for purpose. 

c.          To appear on film, to answer a few questions about the importance of literacy and to tell a traditional folktale from the relevant country. Ideally, the story we write will be based on this folktale. 

3. Translators 


Most of the people we interview and teach will speak the local language of the region. In Kenya, for instance, this was Swahili. So, if our local coordinators or teachers are not able to translate from the local language into English, we will need translators to help with this. First, we will need transcripts from the local language in the film into English, so we can create our books and films, then transcripts from English back into the local language so the media and lesson plan become viable.


4. Illustrators


This is a kid's book so it will need a cover and illustrations to allow us to associate the story with the learning dynamics.


5. Book Reviewers


Reviewers are not just to give the book stars on Amazon. An experienced reviewer knows their market. So, anything that can improve the book for our kids would be ideal. Of course, we will still need those five-star reviews for Amazon. 


6. Book Production and Publishing


Then we'll have it produced, initially in eBook format, and if possible, in hardback and paperback. Our partners at Offworld Publishing usually handle book production and  publishing but if you able to contribute to this process, feel free to get in touch.


8. Lesson Planners


We have a set Lesson Plan for all projects, but it's always useful to have further input from experienced professionals.        

lesson planners

9. Volunteer Teachers


Once our book is complete and fit for purpose, we will upload it to relevant servers required by our volunteer teachers. It will also be available on Amazon. Volunteer Teachers are the life-blood of this project. Based on our Book and Lesson Plan, teachers will need to:


a.          Locate a suitable space to teach.

b.          Ensure as many kids as possible attend class.

c.          Teach the class according to the Lesson Plan.

d.          Importantly, to ensure we capture all stages of the process on film, you will need to film the classes being conducted. This will provide us with vital stats to help us prove our initiative, improve it and get funding for more projects. Here is the kind of information we need: 

              - Where classes are being held.

              - Who is helping, teachers or friends etc.

              - How the students respond to it. If they get it, if it's fun.

              - What they've learnt so far.

              - In your view, is it working?

              - What do other teachers think?

              - What do the authorities think?

e.          Arrange the book's inclusion by local educational authorities to be taught in schools. 

f.           Upload the film to our servers

We use Wetransfer to receive media (under 50gb). Sometimes this can be a little slow.

If you prefer to use another method, like Google Drive, this is fine too. 


10. The Movie


We will produce two important videos for the project.

a.          A mini-documentary (about 20-25 minutes) to introduce the region, its people and their lives. We will establish the history of the area, some of the personal stories of residents and how we were able to help.

b.          A three-minute short film explaining how we developed our book and how it impacted on the kids. 

We will publish both films to Youtube and Filmhub, where we hope it will be picked up by distributors, and of course, our partners.



Here is ​the anticipated schedule to produce a working project:

  • Filming Stage - 1 month

  • Writing - 1 month

  • Book Production - 1 month

  • Teaching and Filming - 2 months

  • Media Production - 1 month

      Total = 6 months per project (ideally reducing to 3-4)

Per Project Funding Required

Establishing the above on a regular basis will need backing. 


  • Charities and Organisations

  • Government

  • Private Funding and Sponsorship. 

  • £1500 (Local Coordinator)

  • £1500 (Teaching)

  • £4400 (Book Creation and Production) 

  • £1600 (Film Production)

  • £900 (Promotion)

  • £500 (Legal)

      Total Project (6m) Cost = £9,600 


  • Selling our media content to schools, colleges and libraries and to the market as a whole through Kindle Direct Publishing.

  • Engaging in professional speaking events

  • Radio/TV shows

  • Live Podcasts

  • Documentary Series



This is a collaborative project so as with all things,

help us make it better !


You know you can.


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