Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.

Jamwriter Apps are clever little things. During your writing and publishing journey, you will need to communicate with several types of people, Literary Agents, Publicists, Book Reviewers and many more. The more you contact, the more will be able to help you.
Apps take your content and send professionally drafted templated emails to them, 1000s of them with the click of a button. Giving them everything they ask for is a great way to start your dialogue with them. Your submission will be easy to absorb and easy to follow. Your targets will see a quality product, presented in a professional way...
All of the Get Apps were conceived by fellow Authors, who went through various laborious submission and pitching processes and wish they’d had Get Apps back then.
Now, you have and with the click of a button you will save 100s of hours and 1000s of $.
Our first App from the Jamwriter App Suite will soon be ready and waiting for you. It's for submitting your script to agents and it's called "Get Published."
Submit your book to 1000s of Agents and Publishers with the Click of a Button
The Get Published App formats and emails your manuscript to literary agents to ask if they will represent you and recommend your book be published by traditional publishers.
Jamwriter makes sure every contact's submission requirements are adhered to.
Whether they're receiving submissions
Which genres
What do they need from you?
The Query Letter
We've done the legwork to provide the core of
our apps so all you need is a click of a button.

The rest of our Apps below are available as an offline service by one our super people here. Soon, they will also be available live and online.
Blog Editors
Film Production Companies
Film Producers
Even Funders
And attack social media like never before.
And instead of 100s of hours and 1000s of wasted dollars, just click the button.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Get Reviews will send a fully templated email to relevant reviewers from our database of about 3000 Reviewers. All members will be notified when Get Reviews comes online.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Submit your articles to 1000s of Blog and Magazine Editors with the Click of a Button. The Get Posted App formats and emails your Article to blog and magazine editors to ask if they will publish it. They may pay for the article in a variety of ways or provide a backlink for your SEO.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Submit your book to 1000s of News and Media Outlets with the Click of a Button. The Get Publicity App formats and emails your Press Release to News and Media Outlets to ask if they will publish your press release.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Submit your book to all of your Social Media Pages at once with the Click of a Button. The Get Social App creates templated Articles and posts them to your social media accounts, any other social media pages you choose, any of your contacts and the community. You don't have to use templates. Post whatever you like.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Need to get your Podcasts and Promo Videos out there?Submit your media to of your podcast and video broadcasters at once with the click of a button.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Need to get your screen adaptation turned into a movie? Submit your pitch to 1000s of film producers and agents.

Part of the Get Apps suite of Apps. Submit your proposal to 1000s of Book Funders with the Click of a Button. The Get Funded App formats and emails your Funding Proposal to Funders and their Agents to ask if they will fund your book, either because they identify with the subject matter or because they see a likely return on their investment.