Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.

Dominic Schunker

Dominic Schunker was born in London and currently lives up a mountain in Javea, Spain. He has a very small German Shepherd puppy called Poppy.
Dominic’s fiction encompasses ghosts, time travel, aliens, demons, nasty fat corporations, conspiracies and God, and is based on the right of every human being to become randomly haunted and taken to the limit of their sanity.
An Unfortunate Dimension is his debut novel and bears a close resemblance to a testing period in his life, a period that changed his perception of our world.
Dominic’s second novel, Machine Sense will be released in Spring 2019 and is a time travel conundrum. Two further novels, Letters from Angels and Oscar’s Square, are also due for release in 2019.
One day, good will prevail over evil.
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My Articles
Dandora Boy: How Children find their Magic
Confessions of a Ghost Writer - The Big Scary
Ghostwriting for a Ghost
Self-Publisher Quotes
Should I Credit my Ghostwriter?
Confessions of a Ghost Writer - Who does that?
Author's Toolkit
Editing your Manuscript
Ghostwrite or Ghost wrong? Is Ghostwriting Ethical?
Confessions of a Ghost Writer - Zombie Apocalypse
Self Publishing Success Stories
Self-Editing Your Writing
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