You know you love your book. Your editor loves it too. What will everyone else think? Prior to Publication, we will have already asked Reviewers to comment on your book so you can tweak it where required and it can publish with some good early stars.
Reviews are the currency of book sales. They get you up the Amazon rankings. They give you access to promo opportunities you wouldn't get otherwise. Reviews prior to Publication are one thing but Reviews post Publication are are a constant and vital task for anyone who doesn't yet have critical mass with customers on Amazon.
Are you Nervous?
You've had feedback before on your book but this is where it counts. Reader Reviews of a Live Publication. No going back.
Spade Work
We will have discussed advanced feedback prior to Publication so you can hit the ground running with reader reviews as soon as you publish. Now let's keep going.
Reviews on Amazon are currency. The more you get, the more people will take a chance and read your book. It also buys you into promotional slots.
Five Star Reviews
And make sure you remember the moment you got your first five stars.
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Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.
Everything you need to develop and perfect your manuscript, get it designed, produced and exposed to the world.
Get The Offworld Author's Guide to Self Publishing FREE !
The Offworld Authors’ Guide to Self Publishing is based on a coalescence of industry stats, author experiences, articles and opinion. Written by the Offworld Team and completely FREE. Get it now while it’s HOT. OK, really useful. Depending on the season, you may just get a little surprise, maybe a photo, maybe even a song.

SKU: 3818
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