Here are what some best-selling Self-Publishers say about what
they’ve done and some sage words they are:
“Be confident in your work, but be careful not to put a book out
into the world until you are sure that it is your very best work and
professional in all respects (writing, editing, cover design, formatting, etc.). As with anything, you get only one chance to make a first impression, and every reader deserves a quality product.”
Darcie Chan
“Anyone who says it’s easy to self-publish a book is either lying or
doing a shitty job.”
Nan McCarthy
“Whatever you may have heard, self-publishing is not a short cut
to anything. Except maybe insanity. Self-publishing, like every
other kind of publishing, is hard work. You don’t wake up one
morning good at it. You have to work for that.”
Zoe Winters
“At heart, self-publishing is kind of like a bake sale. The end
product does not need to resemble the one that comes from a
commercial bakery, but it must taste good. No-one wants the
lumpy under-baked oatmeal cookies with spinach and alfalfa
flavoured chips.”
D. C. Williams
“You are a start-up ... The next great business is you.”
Hugh Howey
“The free charts on Amazon are constantly trawled by people with
voracious reading appetites. Getting read is an obvious way to sell
more copies via word of mouth.”
Ben Galley
“The best self-promotion is your next book. And the book after that
and after that ...”
Bella Andre
“Writing a book makes you an expert in the field. At the very least,
when you hand someone a book you wrote, it’s more impressive
than handing a business card.”
James Altucher
“The good news about self-publishing is you get to do everything
yourself. The bad news about self publishing is you get to do
everything yourself.”
Lori Lesko
“For a long time now, self-publishing has been dismissed as an act
of vanity - mainly by frightened executives in publishing houses,
who hold up terrible examples of self-published works and say
‘See? This is why we exist.’”
Hugh Howey
“Authors today need a publisher as much as they need a tape‐
worm in their guts.”
Rayne Hall
“Some books and authors are bestsellers, but most aren’t. It may
be easier to self-publish than it is to traditionally publish, but in all
honesty, it’s harder to be a best seller self-publishing than it is with
a house.”
Amanda Hocking
“I’m outselling a bunch of famous, name-brand authors. I couldn’t
touch their sales in print.”
Joe Konrath
“Traditional publishers aim to publish hundreds of thousands of
copies of a few books, self-publishing companies make money by
publishing 100 copies of hundreds of thousands of books.”
David Carnoy